Responsibility (責任) 是由 Response (回應) 與 Ability (能力)組成。這個詞背後所代表的思考角度,也影響著藝術的進程:藝術不僅是一種思考的表達,更是對社會命題的回應。這是藝術家的責任 (Responsibility),也是藝術的使命。
2018年12月,藝術家Olafur Eliasson和 Minik Rosing從 Nuup Kangerlua Fjord 中撈出正在融化進海洋中的冰塊(重量於1.5到6噸之間),然後將24塊冰塊置於Tate Modern之外的Bankside的24個小樹林中,同時在Bloomberg London歐洲總部之外以6塊冰塊的置放形成了一圓環,作品最終展出至冰塊的全面融化為止。
在他看來,消逝並非遺憾,而遺憾的是我們未注意到消逝的存在。就像那些冰塊里因為融化而釋放的氣泡一樣,「它釋放的是五千年前的空氣,但這不代表它正在消失,而是告訴我們,它來了。「 他把這30塊冰塊搬到倫敦街頭,在人類的注視、撫摸和觸碰下逐漸消失。最後這些冰塊都歸於一灘水漬,乃至消失不見。這樣安靜又強大的一幕,喚起每個人內心不同的複雜情緒,讓大家真正意識到:氣候變化,這是與我們每個人每天都息息相關的問題。
Ice Watch London [Past Exhibitions]
11 December 2018 until the ice melted
Mon - Sun : 12am -12pm
Bankside, outside Tate Modern @tate
City of London, outside Bloomberg’s European headquarters

Installation: Bankside, outside Tate Modern, 2018 ©2018 Olafur Eliasson

Installation: Bankside, outside Tate Modern, 2018 ©2018 Olafur Eliasson

Installation: Bankside, outside Tate Modern, 2018 © 2018 Olafur Eliasson

Installation: City of London, outside Bloomberg’s European headquarters, 2018 Photo: Charlie Forgham-Bailey © 2018 Olafur Eliasson

Installation: City of London, outside Bloomberg’s European headquarters, 2018 Photo: Charlie Forgham-Bailey
© 2018 Olafur Eliasson

Installation: City of London, outside Bloomberg’s European headquarters, 2018 Photo: Charlie Forgham-Bailey
© 2018 Olafur Eliasson

Installation: Bankside, outside Tate Modern, 2018 ©2018 Olafur Eliasson

Olafur Eliasson, b. 1967
Eliasson’s work encompasses photography, film, sculpture, installation, and architecture. Major exhibitions and public projects include The weather project at Tate Modern, London (2003), which was seen by more than two million visitors; The New York City Waterfalls, commissioned by Public Art Fund, New York (2008); and a series of interventions for the palace and gardens of Versailles (2016). Established in 1995, his Berlin studio today numbers more than 100 craftsmen, administrators, architects, art historians, and cooks. For more information, visit www.olafureliasson.net
For more information head to www.icewatchlondon.com

Sources & Photo Credit:
Ice Watch by Olafur Eliasson and Minik Rosing
Supported by Bloomberg
Installation: Bankside, outside Tate Modern, 2018
Installation: City of London, outside Bloomberg’s European headquarters, 2018 Photo: Charlie Forgham-Bailey
Harvesting ice floating in Nuup Kangerlua, Greenland Footage: Jørgen Chemnitz
©2018 Olafur Eliasson

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