A ‘Great Reset’ is coming, but not for capitalism
在世界大重啓之下的首個世界地球日,Frustum 亦開始展開了對社會公共探索的新嘗試。而今年我們首個關注的命題,將會是「Sustainability 永續發展」,除了文章分享,我們還會陸續加入 Booklist & Playlist,作品與展覽與導讀,以及 Podcast 與 Vlog 等內容。

一場全球慶祝活動 -「倫敦設計雙年展2021」,將於6月1日在 Somerset House 揭開序幕。藝術總監 Es Devlin 選擇了「Resonance」為今年的主題,集結了多達50個國家的設計師參與。
「Forest for Change」- Es Devlin 將成為2021年倫敦設計雙年展的重點裝置,裝置設有400顆樹木,其中有23個品種都是在英國和北歐常見。作品除了響應聯合國推動的全球可持續發展計劃外,回首歷史,標誌性的庭院通常禁止種植樹木,一切也隨之而打破。
Exhibition Detail:
London Design Biennale 2021 倫敦設計雙年展2021
1 - 27 June 2021
Mon - Sun : 11am - 7:15pm
Somerset House 薩默塞特宮
Tickets : General admission from £22.50

"We live in an age of hyper resonance, the consequences of which are both exhilarating and devastating. Everything we design and everything we produce resonates.
- Es Devlin

Es Devlin, London Design Biennale's Artistic Director, has chosen Resonance as the theme, which up to 50 countries and territories will respond to in their installations and presentations.
Devlin explains, "We live in an age of hyper resonance, the consequences of which are both exhilarating and devastating. Everything we design and everything we produce resonates. Each idea we generate has the power to reach a mass digital audience undreamt of by previous generations, while the lifespans of the physical products we create often endure long beyond our own. Whether in the social media feeds of millions or in the bellies of marine animals, our ideas and our objects stick around.
In our global, digital era, design can instantly permeate borders and bridge cultures. It can-positively alter behaviours and transform societies. Attitudes can evolve and lives can be improved when new ideas resonate and are adopted by extended communities.
For more information head to Somersethouse.org.uk or visit londondesignbiennale.com
倫敦設計雙年展2021 其他參展作品

© London Design Biennale. All rights reserved

© London Design Biennale. All rights reserved

© London Design Biennale. All rights reserved

© London Design Biennale. All rights reserved
Sources & Photo Credit:
London Design Biennale
Artistic Director: Esdevlin
Culture Recovery Fund: Department for Digital, Culture, Media & Sport
Place: Somersethouse
The global goals pavilion, forest for change, Es Devlin, 2021 ©London Design Biennale. All rights reserved
Cold Flux, Ben Cullen Williams, 2021 ©London Design Biennale. All rights reserved
Planes of Perception, Petr Stanický, 2021 ©London Design Biennale. All rights reserved
Small is Beautiful, Nisha Mathew Ghosh, 2021 ©London Design Biennale. All rights reserved
Reinventing Texture, Toshiki Hirano, 2021 ©London Design Biennale. All rights reserved

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